Tackling anxiety: using your imagination to improve your life
‘The best use of imagination is creativity. The worst use of imagination is anxiety.’ Deepak Chopra
I recently came across this quote and it made me stop in my tracks. We all recognise how our mind can run away with us, providing us with detailed visions of worst case scenarios. When anxiety takes hold our imagination can be relentless in showing us what terrible things might happen next. But the other side to this is positive; having a vivid imagination can be a real asset. Ask yourself how you can work with your imagination to provide you with a vision of just how good your life could be.
Is what your imagination is telling you true?
When your mind is working overtime, mulling over concerns and fears, ask yourself whether what you’re thinking is true. The original, primitive part of our brain is geared up for hyper vigilance to ensure we are safe from threats. This is great when we are in life threatening situations but not so great when we are consumed with anxiety, whether that is about a specific event or relationship, our job or a particular fear we may have. While you’re worrying about what might happen your body can react like it already has…..setting off various reactions such as the release of cortisol and adrenaline into the blood stream making your heart race and feelings of panic and despair can take hold.
‘The worst use of imagination is anxiety.’
It may sound trite to say that what you fear has not actually happened (and may never happen) because while you are in the grip of anxiety it does not feel that way. When anxiety takes hold it is important to look after yourself and focus on what you can do to distract yourself and make yourself feel better. This includes getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet, spending some time in nature, taking exercise and having contact with other people. Solution focused hypnotherapy can help by encouraging you to think about the future in a more positive and forward looking way. For more information about hypnotherapy for anxiety please click here.
‘The best use of imagination is creativity.’
While most of us are adept at imagining the worst case scenario and torturing ourselves with frightening thoughts, I wonder how many of us regularly ask ourselves ‘what’s the best that could happen?’ How many of us actually take some time out to dream about what we’d like to happen in our lives….. if we applied for our ideal job or started to write that book, if the speech we fear making was a huge success, if we exercised regularly…. if we took that chance, made that leap?
What is the best that could happen?
Give yourself permission to use your imagination in a good way. Dare to dream. It doesn’t matter if it doesn’t feel realistic; has that ever stopped you when you’ve been worrying? Ask yourself what’s the best that could happen…. today, in the next month, in the next year and see where your day dreaming could take you.