Elizabeth Lawrence Hypnotherapy

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Which type of hypnotherapy is right for me?

Many people are unaware that there are a lot of different types of hypnotherapy available. When it comes to hypnotherapy it’s not one size fits all.  There are different factors to take into account.  It really depends what you’re seeking support with. 

However it is always important to find a hypnotherapist with a recognised qualification (such as the HPD- the Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma which is externally verified.)

The types of hypnotherapy I offer

My original training is in solution focused hypnotherapy.  This modern therapy seeks to support clients by helping them build a more positive mindset.  As the name suggests it’s all about helping clients find their own solutions for their problems.  It’s important to emphasise that in solution focused hypnotherapy the problem is not discussed after the initial consultation.  The focus is on working towards a happier life (whatever that looks like for the client.)  While I don’t give advice I do explain patterns of thought and help people to understand how their brains work so that they can begin to make changes towards their desired future. 

The hypnotherapy part of these sessions can be compared to an enjoyable daydream.  I ask a client where they feel most comfortable from a variety of settings (such as a Mediterranean village, a tropical beach, a winter cabin or a spring time wood) and then I build on this with the use of metaphor to support the client’s journey into deep relaxation while strengthening their positive mindset, resilience and self belief.  This is a powerful approach to anxiety, low mood, sleep problems and confidence issues amongst other things.

The rewind approach

A rewind technique is a key tool when it comes to working with phobias and negative experiences.  A person with a phobia may have had a bad experience (such as a very turbulent flight or a bite from a dog.)  Alternatively they may have picked up this phobia from a young age from a family member and have strong memories around this.  The rewind approach helps to take the heat out of these memories, helping the client see the issue in a more rational way. 

Reframing the future

Designing a unique positive visualisation of the client’s preferred future is a particularly enjoyable part of my job.  If a client has seen me for a phobia this is the final session.  I write up their day from start to finish and describe it in trance….and it involves them facing their fears.  It may not all be plain sailing (I am not going to tell someone with a dog phobia they are going to love dogs!)  It is about facing their fears in a calm and controlled way.  This can be incredibly effective. 

This technique is also used when clients are worried about exams, public speaking, interviews or any particular event.  It is helpful in building confidence and tapping into the part of you that knows deep down it can be done. 

Clinical hypnotherapy

I have undergone training through the Clinical Hypnotherapy School around gut directed hypnotherapy.  This is the approach recommended by NICE for IBS patients.  It is a 6 part programme which involves a more direct form of hypnotherapy and has given benefit to around 70% of IBS patients in trials.

A more direct approach

I have also adapted a more direct approach when I work with weight loss clients as this is something that many people are seeking.  While I do not give advice around diets and foods I support clients specifically around their mindset with eating, with tips around managing this in every session.  I then provide notes on what has been discussed so the client can focus on their learning and goals for the next week.  The hypnotherapy is a mix of indirect and direct language for maximum benefit. 

Similarly when working with clients who are giving up smoking I mix indirect and direct approaches to best suit the individual.

Other techniques

I also use other techniques to support clients where appropriate such as anchoring which is found in neuro linguistic programming. The bottom line is every client is different and in discussion with them I use the techniques that I feel will be of most benefit to them. 

If you’re interested in finding out what hypnotherapy could do for you please get in touch to arrange a free, no obligation phone call.

Hypnotherapy for children and teenagers

A solution focused approach works well with young people with reframing to help build their confidence. Please get in touch to find out more.

Online hypnotherapy

All of the techniques I use work just as well in online hypnotherapy via Zoom as they do in the therapy room. I continue to offer Zoom appointments. Please get in touch to find out more.