‘Hypnotherapy is a bit woo woo isn’t it?’
Many people feel confused, uncertain or cynical when they hear the words ‘therapy’ or ‘hypnotherapy.’ Common thoughts include ‘that’s not for me,’ ‘I don’t need to talk about my feelings to a stranger,’ ‘I’m more of a practical person,’ ‘I don’t understand what hypnotherapy can help me with’ or even ‘hypnotherapy; that’s a bit woo woo isn’t it?’ If you have ever had these thoughts read on to find out more.
‘I don’t need to talk about my feelings to a stranger.’
I am trained in solution focused hypnotherapy. This approach involves gentle questioning techniques to find out what small steps you could take to address your problem or reach your goal. It does not involve discussing the past or your feelings in any length. In an initial consultation you will tell me what you are looking for help with but you don’t need to go into long detail about this and your whole past history. I often think the work I do has more in common with coaching as we are focussing on the strengths you use in your every day life and your hopes for the future. The hypnotherapy part of the session helps embed these positives (the strengths you already have and strengths you want to develop) into your mind.
‘I’m more of a practical person….hypnotherapy’s a bit woo woo isn’t it?’
Day dreaming is a natural state, no matter how practical you are. Perhaps you’re someone who loves spending time in the garden, doing DIY or other practical hobbies. Your mind won’t always be focused on the task in hand when you’re working. It will naturally drift from time to time. This day dream state is very helpful as it allows your brain processing time to catch up with events and thoughts. It also allows you to problem solve…..how often have you decided on a course of action or remembered where you put your keys when you are thinking of something else? Hypnotherapy has a similar effect and modern solution focused hypnotherapy is grounded in research around neuroscience and psychology. No swinging watches or flickering candles in sight!
‘I don’t understand what hypnotherapy can help me with’
All sorts of people seek hypnotherapy for all sorts of reasons. Sometimes people have a practical problem they want to address. This may be giving up smoking or losing weight. It may be overcoming a phobia or seeking support for sports performance, exams or public speaking. Other people seek hypnotherapy for support with anxiety or stress. They may realise their sleep pattern is deteriorating or they are getting increasingly irritable, finding day to day life difficult. There are often key times in someone’s life where hypnotherapy can help. During times of change or stress people may need a little extra help to cope. This can include children struggling with school, teenagers leaving home, women trying to conceive or going through the menopause.
‘How can hypnotherapy help?’
Hypnotherapy can give you the space and opportunity to take a step back to reflect to reconnect with your inner strengths, building your resilience and ability to cope. During stressful times it’s easy to forget who you are. People often have a time when they felt ‘most themselves.’ This might be on holiday or when you felt that work or relationships were working out perfectly. Hypnotherapy can help you find that inner spark, that inner confidence once more to move on with your life with greater happiness and confidence.