Elizabeth Lawrence Hypnotherapy

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Creating happiness

We all want to be happy, but this can mean different things to different people and at different stages in our lives. However there are broad rules that psychologists have identified that can improve our overall contentment.

Taking control

Many of us have heard of studies that show that lottery winners increase their happiness for just a short while before they go back to their usual level of happiness, suggesting we have a set level of happiness. A later study showed that happiness levels are 50% genetic, 10% circumstantial and 40% are down to our own intentional activities. This is hugely significant as it emphasises that you can influence 40% of your own happiness levels.

Psychologist Sonja Lbyubormisky has found three important features of people who experience more happiness.

Reframing experiences

The first of these features is our ability to reframe situations more positively. This isn't about denying your reality or your problems. It's about looking at things in a different way. Think of the difference lighting some candles can make. It's the same room but the changed light has brought in warmth and comfort. If you can reframe an event that is coming up (such as an exam or an interview) as a challenge rather than a threat your body will release less cortisol and you will be able to cope better. An important part of a growth mindset is interpreting negative events as situations we have learnt from rather than failures.

Experiencing gratitude

The second factor in improving happiness is our ability to experience gratitude. When we try to live in the moment we can be more aware of what we are experiencing and in turn be more grateful. This may be noticing our surroundings; being grateful for nature or the comforts of our home. It may be gratitude for our loved ones. Reflecting on our gratitude and acting on it (for example by thanking those we are grateful towards) has an even greater impact on ourselves and those around us.

Making a conscious choice to be kind

The final feature of people who experience more happiness is that they make a conscious choice to be kind and generous. Often when we hear these words we think of being generous in a material sense; buying presents or donating to charity. However in our day to day lives there are numerous opportunities to be kind in many little (and larger) ways. We can be generous with our time, making sure we phone those people we haven't spoken to for a while. We can be kind to strangers in the supermarket letting them go ahead in the queue or giving them a smile. We can be kind with our loved ones, watching our words, and we can be kind to ourselves, valuing ourselves as unique and special individuals.

How hypnotherapy fits in

Hypnotherapy can support people in helping to reframe situations so that they begin to feel more positive. Through calming down the worried over-active part of our brain (sometimes described as the inner critic) we can start to feel more confident, more in control and more connected to our real selves. When we feel better about ourselves we are more able to enjoy life and support others in a positive and meaningful way. The experience of hypnosis also allows our brains valuable processing time, giving our subconscious an opportunity to work through our thoughts, strengthen helpful patterns and reduce less helpful ones. Last (but certainly not least) the experience of hypnosis is an enjoyable one.... giving you a valuable chance to take some time out for yourself and let your body completely relax, making you feel calmer and more content for the day or evening ahead.

Further reading:

'Thanks- How the New Science of Gratitude can make you Happier’ Robert Emmons

'The Book of Joy- Lasting Happiness in a Changing World’ Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama with Douglas Abrams

Sonja Lyubormisky is quoted in 'The Book of Joy' but has also written books including 'The How of Happiness - A Practical Guide to getting what you want' and 'The Myths of Happiness'