Life lessons from Duolingo

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Over the last few weeks I have been beginning to learn German with the help of the Duolingo app.  This free app provides comprehensive bite size lessons in many languages from Spanish to Japanese, from Finnish to Arabic. 

Since I started I have been surprised at how many people I know are already using the app to take up a new interest or prepare for a holiday.  And I have been intrigued at how the app is designed to make study appealing (even dare I say addictive!) and how we can learn from this to achieve other goals we may set ourselves. 

Break down your goal into quick wins

Duolingo makes it easy for you to slot mini lessons into your day.  Each lesson only lasts a couple of minutes. 

When something is quick and easy it makes it easier to commit to it regularly.  This is highlighted by BJ Fogg in his Ted talk where he describes taking up 2 press ups a day as part of building up to a regular exercise routine.  Instead of telling yourself you are going to lose a stone, run 10km or get a new job in the next month break this down into your first very small step.  It will then be easier to take the next small step.

Make it appealing

If something is attractive and appealing we are far more likely to want to it (it’s the power of advertising!) 

Can you make your goal more appealing or more visible?  If you want to eat healthier instead of focusing on what you’re not going to eat this may involve buying more exotic fruit or planning your meals out.  If you want to take up more exercise you could wear clothes that you feel good in. 

Reward your efforts

Duolingo (like many online games) has a reward system with jewels and points.  This motivates us by giving us a bit of a dopamine hit. 

When you reach a small target you don’t have to buy yourself an expensive present; keeping a record of your successes on a tick chart can act as a motivator or giving yourself a little reward such as making the time to do something you enjoy like reading a book or having a bath can spur you on even further. 

Get the support of friends

Duo Lingo claim that if you follow friends on the app you are more likely to achieve your goals.  If you and your friends have similar goals it makes it easier to motivate each other.  It’s harder to avoid the gym if you have a regular time you go with a friend.   Sharing your focus with a friend can help you get the support you need. 

Positive self talk

While it may be a little cheesy positive messages such as ‘you’re doing great!’ do actually work giving you a little buzz when you see them.  So next time you do something that is working towards where you want to be in life don’t forget to give yourself a metaphorical pat on the back. You could even choose an affirmation that you can repeat to yourself such as ‘I am achieving my goals’ or ‘I am confident and in control,’ which can have a positive effect on your mindset.


Hypnotherapy can also help you achieve your goals in a gentle and pleasant way. During hypnosis your mind is more receptive to positive messages, building your confidence and resilience. In our conversation before the hypnotherapy part of the session we look at what has been going well for you and work out what your next small step to success could be.

For more information please get in touch.


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