Hypnotherapy….it doesn’t work for everyone
No therapy is going to have a 100% success rate. It’s just not realistic. I can’t promise my clients the outcome they are seeking. But there are ways of maximising the potential for success.
First impressions
It’s crucial to find a therapist that you feel comfortable with. Studies suggest that the rapport you feel with your therapist is one of the most important factors in the success of the therapy. Even before we speak on the phone you have probably looked at my website or followed me on social media which gives you an idea about who I am, the type of hypnotherapy I use and if you think you could work with me.
The initial consultation
There is no hypnotherapy in an initial consultation. It is an opportunity for you to explain exactly what is going on for you and what you are looking for help with. I then explain about how I work, how hypnotherapy may be able to support you and answer any questions you may have. This is all very important. Although most people book in for a session after an initial consultation not everyone will come back. That’s fine. It’s about making the right decision for you, and the initial consultation is a chance for you to find out more so you can make an informed choice.
Listening to my relaxation track
At the initial consultation I give all clients a relaxation track to listen to. I recommend clients listen to this at bedtime as it helps them drift off to sleep and improves the quality of their sleep. It can also help improve confidence and positivity (even if you are asleep!) This can really lead to powerful changes especially if you listen to it regularly. Clients who commit to listening to this track regularly often see faster results.
Having an open mind
As I run a private practice and clients have to pay for sessions nearly everyone I see has an open mind about hypnotherapy. You don’t have to be convinced it will work but you have to be open to the possibility of change. Again listening to the track at home really helps here as your mind continues to absorb positive messages subconsciously.
Wanting to see the change
Sometimes I have children or teenagers book in with their parents but it becomes clear that the child does not want to make the change their parent would like to see. If the child is happy never eating vegetables hypnotherapy is not going to support them in that change. I can not (and would not) tell someone to do something they do not want to do. This wouldn’t work anyway.
Feeling the change you want to make is too big or daunting is a different matter. If it’s something you want to do I can help you work towards that in small steps.
Thinking about what is discussed in sessions
Before the hypnotherapy part of the session I have a gentle discussion with clients. This tends to follow a similar format. I ask them what has been positive about their week and what they have been pleased to notice in their behaviour or reactions. Some clients think about this in advance; some even make notes. I welcome this as it promotes positivity and problem solving….again this can really help a client see faster results. All of this is helping rewire your brain for success.
Our discussion leads on to small changes that the client might want to implement to improve things a little bit that week. I don’t follow this up and ask someone if they did what they talked about but if they have considered it later (and often this is subconscious) it can be helpful. It’s important to recognise this isn’t always literal. One thought or comment can often lead to another one especially with the support of hypnotherapy.
Some of the hypnotherapy I do follows a different format (such as when I support people with phobias or who are planning for a particular event.) In that case clients can help me by providing me with lots of detail around when they face the issue so I can write up a very realistic picture to help give them the confidence around the issue.
So in conclusion I can’t guarantee results. But if you come to an initial consultation and you feel I am somebody you could work with, if you are prepared to listen to the track I give you and think about what’s been discussed in sessions then you are giving yourself every opportunity for success!
Get in touch for a no obligation phone call
If you would like to get in touch to have a free telephone call to find out more please give me a ring on 07766963673 or fill in my contact form here.