Relax and Recharge with my free online relaxation sessions
A screen shot of me delivering one of my Sunday night relaxation sessions
My Sunday evening relax and recharge sessions have proved popular with adults and children alike. I set these free events up to offer support during lockdown but I have been touched by the positive feedback so have decided to continue them until the end of January. Attendees receive a Zoom link via email and we start promptly at 8.30pm. The visualisations tend to last around 20 minutes, ending no later than 9pm. Cameras and microphones are switched off to minimise disturbances so people can relax in total comfort and anonymity. If you are wearing cosy pyjamas and lying in your bed nobody will see you! All are welcome for this opportunity to switch off and enjoy some quality time.
Positive feedback
Attendees have described the benefits of the sessions. One person explained ‘I needed to switch off and take that time. It was really lovely.’ Another added ‘you have such a soothing voice to listen to. That was wonderful.’ and a third said ‘this session was brilliant and I would highly recommend it.’
The visualisation
Before the session people are asked to find a comfortable place to relax at home, either on their bed or a comfortable chair, where they can be still and uninterrupted for 20 minutes or so. This in itself provides a good opportunity for your body to calm down!
I begin by asking people to shut their eyes and think about their breathing. Slowing down our breathing is a good way to reduce stress, and it is useful to think about this when we are facing difficulties in our every day life. Next I ask people to relax the different parts of their bodies. Checking in with ourselves and bringing attention to our bodies also helps us relax. By this point people are feeling settled and ready for the visualisation.
I then describe a beautiful, peaceful setting. At its simplest a visualisation is a story that you are in. The visualisations are gentle, descriptive and uneventful! The detail in the story helps focus the mind to drift off into a different world in a light trance. Imagination can be a very powerful force; if you imagine biting into a lemon your mouth begins to water. In the same way if you are imagining being on a beach it can begin to feel real and relaxing.
Benefits of trance
Trance is a natural state that I have explained in a previous blog. It is an enjoyable experience akin to day dreaming. However when your mind is in this state your brain is actually working very hard. It can be compared to the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage of sleep. The brain is processing events, memories and thoughts during this time. This explains how after a good night’s sleep something which has upset you on the previous day seems much less important. It also explains why you can sometimes come up with a solution to a problem or remember where something is when you are rested. My sessions are helping you by giving you some extra time like this, reducing your stress and being similar to getting extra, quality sleep. For this reason it doesn’t matter if you do fall asleep as your brain will still be taking it in and you will be benefitting from feeling calmer and more relaxed.
At the end of the session I bring people’s awareness back to their surroundings so that they continue with their evening in a more positive frame of mind. However many people have told me that they have fallen asleep so I recommend setting an alarm or getting somebody to wake you up if you don’t want to get such an early night!
Please get in touch if you would like to join in the next session for yourself. I would be very happy to add you to the email list to receive the Zoom link. Sessions are continuing until the end of January so it is the perfect opportunity to make some time for yourself over the Christmas period and into the New Year.