The 7 different types of rest and why you need them
You may have noticed I have taken a break from my blog over the summer. This was intentional. When you run your own business you have to plan breaks ahead and decide which balls you can put down for a while to have a proper rest.
But did you know there are very different types of rest that replenish you in different ways? Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith whose book ‘Sacred Rest’ explores this concept has identified 7 different types of rest that you need to feel at your best.
Physical rest
This is perhaps the type of rest we are most familiar with. Physical rest includes sleeping and helping your body restore itself (perhaps having a bath or a massage if your limbs are aching.)
Social rest
This could include taking a break from socialising to restore your energy levels or catching up with people who energise you and make you feel like the best version of yourself.
Mental rest
If you are struggling to slow down your over active mind it could be that you need to restore your levels of mental rest. For some people this could be exercise, for others it could be a break from technology or writing down your all your worries. Hypnotherapy can support you in giving your mind a chance to calm down and you could listen to the relaxation track on my website here.
Spiritual rest
A sense of meaning in life can be very helpful and for some people this may be through their religion. For others it may be identifying what gives them the strongest sense of purpose in their life and reconnecting to these values.
Emotional rest
This is about connecting with yourself and recognising how you really feel rather than holding your emotions in check or prioritising the needs of others.
Creative rest
Do you give yourself opportunities to be inspired with new ideas or creativity? This could include time for hobbies or time for reflection and planning, or simply going on a walk in nature.
Sensory rest
Life can be incredibly busy and our senses can get overloaded very easily. Giving yourself a break from the hustle and bustle of modern life with screens and bright lights can calm your nervous system down. Switching off screens at night can help your body get ready for sleep.
Taking some time out to listen to your body and mind to identify what is going to help you most at the moment can be very powerful. A rest doesn’t always have to be a holiday; the simple act of recognising what you need at the moment can help you get back on the right track. My hypnotherapy sessions can help you in this process and to find out more get in touch.