Elizabeth Lawrence Hypnotherapy

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The benefits of listening to a hypnotherapy audio track

A really good place to start your journey into hypnotherapy is with a relaxation audio.  I encourage all my clients to listen regularly to the track I provide (that can be accessed here).  This practice benefits both your physical and mental health in a number of ways. 

Better sleep

Listening to a hypnotherapy audio at bedtime is a convenient time to carve out some time just for you.  It’s also a very powerful way of making some changes at a subliminal level as your brain is very receptive to positive messages as you drift off to sleep, even if you’re not consciously aware of it. 

A relaxation track is also a great way to improve your sleep.  It can help you get into a pattern of deeper, more refreshing sleep.  An added bonus is that the more regularly you listen at bedtime the more your mind gets into a habit of recognising the signal for bed and rest. 

Increased positivity and confidence

Even if you don’t feel positive or confident at the moment listening to a track can help you slowly strengthen those feelings.  Over time you can build more positive pathways in your brain.  My clients often tell me how positive and relaxed they feel after hypnosis and listening to a track can increase those feelings. 

Accessing flow

A hypnotherapy audio is an easy way to access a flow state.  This allows your brain processing time to work things through and file away the events of the day.  You may find you achieve a flow state in other ways too (such as during exercise, writing or craft activities) which is great. 

A good way of thinking about this is that any time you lose yourself in the moment your brain has a chance to take some time out to catch up on itself. This is especially important during times of anxiety, stress and change.

Getting into good self care habits

Self care is an expression that is used a lot at the moment and its meaning can range from bubble baths to meditation, eating well to prioritising sleep.  Self care is the practice of those activities that help you feel good (and are genuinely good for you from a health point of view.) 

Taking time to properly care for yourself emphasises the fact that you are worth looking after.  It helps build your confidence.  Getting into the regular habit of doing things that help you feel better is important because it means that you have a buffer to fall back on in difficult times that will provide you with extra resilience.

Deepening and strengthening your hypnotherapy experience

For my clients every time they listen to the audio track I provide they are building on the work we have been doing together in sessions.

Hypnotherapy is such a relaxing, enjoyable and powerful way to boost your mental health that clients want to experience it in between sessions. 

So listen to my relaxation track here or to start your hypnotherapy journey get in touch today.