Hypnotherapy for medical procedures…..

…..dentist visits, smear tests, injections, operations, hospital appointments, scans……

Hypnotherapy for fear of the dentist, hospitals and medical interventions

Modern medicine can be amazing. Compared to a couple of generations ago there are so many ways that medicine (and dentistry) can save your life. However many of these interventions can cause a huge amount of fear in people who face them. This is entirely understandable. In a hospital or surgery setting a patient can feel out of control and uncertain. It is very easy for the flight and fight system to be triggered leading to feelings of panic. For some people the fear of these procedures (or the results) can cause them to avoid them altogether…..they may avoid the dentist for years, while toothache increases, fall behind in regular injections or not attend smear tests or mammograms. Other people may struggle to visit loved ones in hospitals because of their fears.

Whether your fears are around injections, scans, smear tests or other interventions hypnotherapy can support you to feel calmer.

What are the next steps? How many hypnotherapy sessions do you need for fear of medical procedures?

The first step is a free conversation with me on the phone to explain about your specific circumstances.

Next we have an initial consultation which is an opportunity for you to share background information and for us to come up with a programme to best support you. There is not necessarily a one size fits all response here. If you feel that you cope with life in general well and have developed a recent concern about a procedure you are going to have then this is likely to take less time than someone who has been dealing with a problem for many years and has high levels of stress. I encourage clients to take positive steps between sessions such as listening to relaxation tracks to help build positivity.

How does hypnotherapy help with supporting with medical procedures?

Through my hypnotherapy I aim to empower you to feel calmer, more confident and resilient. This is important in terms of managing life in general but also in giving you more capacity to deal with challenges such as medical procedures.

I also use direct techniques around the specific procedures clients are facing. This can involve a technique called ‘rewind’ which helps take the power and heat out of previous negative memories or associations. It always involves reframing the event that will be faced; for example if you are facing a scan during trance I would describe you coping as well as you could with the different eventualities. It is about tapping into the calmer, more rational part of your brain and carrying that with you into the procedure.

Hypnotherapy online

I work with clients face to face in the High Peak in Derbyshire but also online through Zoom. In fact the vast majority of the clients I have seen for needle phobia have been online from all parts of the UK and abroad. Hypnotherapy works very well online as it means clients can relax in their own home.

More specific information can be found on needle phobia here.

Get in touch today by completing my form so we can set up a conversation to see how hypnotherapy could support you.

Review from a client who had hypnotherapy over worries about having her blood pressure taken

‘I have now seen Beth for 4 sessions in her lovely garden treatment room. I have a “phobia” about having my blood pressure taken and have avoided it for a long time despite having hypertension. After a session yesterday I was able to take my BP today and get a great result - rather than the ridiculously high results I’ve had in the past due to my anxiety. Beth has also helped with general stress and anxiety and I cannot recommend her enough. I feel wonderful after each treatment session.’

Feedback from a client who had hypnotherapy in preparation for a biopsy

‘Just wanted to tell you that it went well. It was a two hour procedure and involved cutting and large bore needles and I  was calm and confident and listened to the track. Out of the blue I had to do a blood test yesterday- totally impromptu and I kept it together. A huge improvement, so thank you so much for your help with this….. Honestly, you helped me so much…. Often, my nerves and panic felt like horses rushing to leave the gate and I was able to pull them back!’