Elizabeth Lawrence Hypnotherapy

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Social anxiety, generalised anxiety disorder, health anxiety….what do they all mean and how can you help yourself?

Anxiety is a natural human emotion. It has an important role in helping you assess risks and make choices.  However problems develop when you spend more time feeling anxious; your worries can feel uncontrollable and the world can feel a very risky place. 

If anxiety is taking over your mind: becoming your default mode and impacting on the way you lead your life then it is time to seek support or take action. 

It can be helpful to know how your anxiety is impacting on you.  While anxieties can take on different forms the bottom line is that whatever anxiety you have it is trying to keep you safe and protect you from a situation that is perceived as risky.

Health anxiety

Health anxiety is very common (perhaps not surprisingly it has increased this century with the wide use of the Internet.)  People who worry about their health can become convinced that something is seriously wrong with them, Google worst case scenarios and seek support from others. 

Social anxiety

People with social anxieties may worry about how other people see them to the point of wanting to avoid social contact.  This can be common with teenagers and children who don’t want to contribute in class or read a presentation. 


If there is one particular thing that bothers you it may have become a phobia.  A phobia is an extreme reaction to a particular circumstance or thing which you then avoid.  (Hypnotherapy can be very effective in helping you overcome a phobia: to find out more please see my page around this.)

Generalised anxiety disorder

Perhaps you worry about lots of different things or when you have stopped worrying about something you get temporary relief but then start thinking about something else.  I see this as like a toddler’s toy with pop ups that they have to hammer down.  Once one pop up is pressed down another springs up in its place.

How you can help yourself with anxiety

Recognising that your anxiety is out of proportion is a great first step in making changes.

Sometimes people can find their inner voice is very critical, telling them not to be so silly but this is not helpful.  A better approach is to treat yourself with care….a holistic approach helps you tackle the problem on all fronts, calming down your mind and reducing the level of anxiety you may feel.

The importance of exercise

Any exercise is a great way of naturally reducing levels of adrenalin and cortisol (the chemicals the body produces as a result of stress and anxiety.)  This helps you feel calmer. If you are exercising out of doors (even going for a walk) there can be the added benefit of enjoying green spaces which is another known factor for helping to calm down the mind. 

Taking time out for fun

Carving out some time for you to do an activity you really enjoy can be a powerful support. 

When you are fully absorbed in a task (the flow state) it may feel that your mind is switched off but it is actually allowing your brain to think things through and process events and emotions. 

Many of us don’t have enough of this time in your life so can you identify a way that you can really lose yourself in the moment?  Ideas could include painting, knitting, gardening, cooking or music. 

Getting support if you need it: how hypnotherapy can help you with anxiety

If you feel you need extra support then hypnotherapy can help you. 

When you are very anxious you return easily to negative patterns of thinking.  Hypnotherapy can support you in breaking this chain of thought.  It isn’t a magic wand but over a number of sessions, combined with listening to a download at home, you can begin to change the way your mind works and feel more positive. 

To find out more about how hypnotherapy can support you with anxiety please see here.

To get in touch please contact me here.

Support with hypnotherapy online

I continue to work online offering sessions on Zoom, as well as working face to face in the High Peak. 

Online sessions allow you to access hypnotherapy from the comfort of your own home.  Clients often feel they can really relax in their own environment and it works just as well.  If you are interested in online sessions please get in touch