Online or face to face hypnotherapy: which is best?


After Covid restrictions began to lift this summer I began to see clients face to face again but many people continue to see me on Zoom.  Both face to face and online sessions are effective and enjoyable: which you choose is a matter of personal choice but there are some factors to bear in mind.

The benefits of online hypnotherapy

In an online hypnotherapy session your comfort is key.  You are able to relax comfortably at home.  During the first part of a session which involves talking many clients prefer to sit at a chair before moving to lie down on a settee or their bed for the hypnosis.  You are able to wrap up in your own blanket and use your own pillows to get yourself settled.  Unlike in face to face sessions in online hypnotherapy I do not use background music.

There are practical advantages to an online session. You don’t need to think about how you will get to a session, where you will park or whether you will need to wear a mask.  Not having to worry about such things can help reduce anxiety about the session.

You are also able to book in with a therapist who lives in a different part of the country.  I have worked with clients from all over the UK and abroad over Zoom.  Location doesn’t matter so you have more choice of therapist to help you find the right person for you. 

My monthly free ‘Relax and Recharge’ session is held on Zoom on a Sunday night and is a great opportunity for you to see me in action online and to get a feeling about whether I could be the right therapist for you….whether that would be online or face to face.  To find out more about this please click here.  I also run a number of different classes over Zoom including weight management, stress management and menopause.

What do you need to have in place for online hypnotherapy? 

There are some practicalities you need to have in place to get the most out of your online hypnotherapy session.  A good broadband connection is important and you may prefer to use a computer or tablet so you can see more clearly without having to hold up your phone. 

I also recommend you make sure pets are somewhere safe and other members of  your household know not to disturb you.  It’s also a good idea to turn your phone off!  If you’re not familiar with Zoom you may want to have a trial run of this before your session. 

The benefits of face to face hypnotherapy

After a year and a half of restrictions with much of work and life moving online many people welcome the chance to see friends, family, colleagues (and therapists) in person.  They feel more able to relax and build rapport in a natural way.  If this applies to you face to face hypnotherapy could work better for you. 

Some clients tell me they are tired of seeing people on Zoom or that they don’t like using technology.  While online hypnotherapy works well it is also true that for many people face to face interactions and therapy sessions feel more natural and comfortable.  It can also feel more of an occasion….that your 50 minute hypnotherapy session is earmarked for you in a professional environment so after the talking part of your therapy you can just put your feet up on my footstool and relax back to take time for you. 

After putting your phone in silent mode you know you can relax without being disturbed for the next hour.  Some people find they are more able to concentrate and relax outside their home environment.  This can particularly be the case if you have a busy home. 

Both online and face to face hypnotherapy work!

The bottom line is that both online and face to face hypnotherapy sessions work for all age groups!  I have worked successfully with children and teenagers as well as adults both face to face and over Zoom.

I have even at times carried out hypnotherapy sessions over the telephone although I prefer being able to see a client’s face whether over a screen or face to face.

I have had clients who have experienced both online and face to face sessions with one writing in a Google review ‘I felt relaxed and comfortable and much to my surprise I preferred doing the sessions over Zoom. Being in my own environment helped me to feel more confident and comfortable.

If  you would like to discuss whether online or face to face hypnotherapy is right for you please get in touch.


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