The power of reframing

Hypnotherapist and mindset coach in the Peak District

A reframe is simply a way of looking at something in a different way. It can be a helpful tool in supporting you in focusing on events in a more positive light. This is not about being unrealistic or avoiding the truth of certain situations. But it can help you accept things that you can not change, or look for what you can learn from a difficult time.

How does reframing things help you?

Reframing can help you regain power of a situation. Often during difficult times you can feel powerless or out of control. However you do have a choice in how you react. Viktor Frankl, a holocaust survivor, wrote that ‘everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms- to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.’ This isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do but recognising the choice that you have can help you take back some control.

For instance think about a day when you might wake up late and then drop a bottle of milk over your work clothes. One person might think ‘everything is going wrong for me today, it’s just my luck, what’s going to go wrong next? ‘ They are programming their mind for a bad day. Someone else might think ‘oh dear, that’s not a great start but it’s just an accident and luckily I know things are going to go better because I am looking forward to seeing my friend later for coffee.’ In this self talk they are calming their mind down and focusing on the good that will also be happening. This is then much more likely to result in a happier day.

How to reframe your thoughts

The first step in reframing your thoughts is to become aware of them. If you have particular worries and anxieties on your mind at the moment it can be helpful to write them down or schedule a particular time (perhaps using the worry box technique) to focus on them.

Then you can ask yourself how helpful the thoughts are and if there is an alternative way of thinking about the situation that would be more beneficial for you now. You could try writing this alternative thought down or making it into an affirmation which feels good to you. For instance if you are worrying about delivering a presentation at work you could catch yourself thinking ‘I always feel so nervous, I rush through it and feel so embarrassed, I am no good at it.’ Instead you could try telling yourself ‘I will be well prepared, I have done my research and I know my team are supportive and understand I might have a few nerves.’ It might not feel natural when you first start to do this, and you might not believe it but you are beginning to develop new ways of thinking which can become more comfortable with practice.

Different ways of looking at life

Sometimes a reframe can seem quite simple but often when you’re worried you have never considered it because your brain is too busy throwing out negative and frightening scenarios.

This can also be the case in other ways too. You might have a never ending to-do list for the week, but have you ever had a done list where you reflect on all that you managed to achieve in the last week? This can be really helpful in giving yourself a pat on the back and building your confidence to go ahead and achieve even more.

Are there different ways of reframing some tasks in your life that you don’t enjoy? Perhaps cleaning is a tedious chore for you but if you made it your time to listen to a favourite podcast or music would it become a little pleasanter? Instead of thinking of exercise as a necessary evil could you find an exercise that you enjoy or arrange to meet up with a friend for a walk instead?

Reframes in hypnotherapy

I use reframes in hypnotherapy, particularly with clients who have a phobia of some sort or who are preparing for exams, driving tests, interviews or speeches. It can be such a powerful way of visualising the future in a more positive way, building confidence and helping a client believe in themselves.

But really in every session I am helping clients believe in themselves more, reframing their future in a more positive way so that they leave the therapy room feeling more empowered, calmer and a little better equipped to deal with life’s challenges, whatever they are. Get in touch to find out more by sending me a message today.


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