Elizabeth Lawrence Hypnotherapy

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How developing a structure can help you navigate your life

Sometimes in life we have to take a chance to achieve more.  We have to push ourselves out of our comfort zones to take a new job, visit a new country or begin a new relationship.  But sometimes in life just getting by is all we’re focused on.  When life is difficult or uncertain (hello omicron) having a routine and structure to fall back on can help stabilise you, making life easier and helping you feel more in control.

When we are feeling very stressed or low it can be hard to focus on the things that give us comfort or calm.  Having a structure or routine in your life to fall back on can act as a bit of a safety net so that you can automatically do the things that keep you on track.

A routine that works for you

Parents will be very familiar with their child’s bed time routine.  This might include switching off the television or screens an hour before bed, milk, a bath and a story.  All of these act as cues for bedtime.  Sleep is an essential part of our wellbeing which helps us feel rested and in control.  Have you got a structure around your sleep with a regular bedtime and a wind down routine? Or do you find yourself watching one more episode on Netflix? For more information on sleep please click here

In the morning you may have to get up at a certain time to go to work or get children ready for school but if you don’t have these constraints do you make sure that you get up at a regular time, getting dressed and ready to face the day?  This helps you feel more in control and purposeful. 


Dark nights and grey days don’t exactly tempt us to exercise but getting some exercise (and spending time outside) are proven ways to improve your mental health.  Maybe you could try to walk with a friend for accountability and to boost your mood with a catch up at the same time. 

Time for you

It’s important to build in some time that is just for you to do an activity you enjoy.  This might be as simple as watching your favourite box set, reading a magazine or having a long bath.   If this is something that slips off your radar write it in your diary so that you can focus on what really lifts your mood rather than trying to catch up with everything on your to do list or scrolling on your phone. 

There might be other ways you can structure your life such as building in regular times to speak to friends or family members or times you catch up with paperwork. 

Building in more structure doesn’t mean you can’t be spontaneous or adventurous.  But it helps give you a strong foundation so that you can deal with life’s ups and downs as best you can.  So look after yourself this Christmas and ask yourself if there’s any simple ways you can structure your life in a way that would benefit you more.